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English lessons for children



Methods of teaching children a foreign language

To understand which curriculum is best suited to your child, you should consider the main methods that are used in children's education.

The immersion method

The method of immersion (language immersion) is when the child finds himself in an environment where everyone around him speaks a foreign language. He hears live English speech and begins to copy it. 

Immersion is a great way to learn a language at any age because you are learning in a natural environment, without "disconnecting" from normal life. 

The Lexical Approach

With the vocabulary-based method, many children are taught not only a foreign language, but also their native language. This method uses pictures of different objects with captions. 

Many programs based on this approach can also be called immersion, because they try not to speak to the child in their native language so that they learn to think in English.

Communicative Method

The communicative approach to language learning (communicative approach) is very popular in language schools today. No matter how your child studies - with a teacher in person, on Skype, or in some other way, the communicative approach always implies active communication in English, usually with a native speaker, and the main goal is not to correct errors, but to remove the language barrier. 
The communicative approach allows you to quickly learn to speak and use English confidently in everyday life.

Types of English classes for children

In the classroom with a teacher

Traditional English lessons, clubs and courses for children can be found in specialized language schools as well as online or even at general education institutions. 

If you have recently moved to a country where English is the main language, you will find special English as a Foreign Language classes in many schools. These can be supplemented with one-to-one lessons or a language camp in the summer.

Online learning

There are many online English learning programs for both children and adults. Just type "online English programs" into your browser and you get thousands of results. 

First, choose the ones that have special children's programs; that will shorten your list. Then, look for reviews, because you want a program with a good reputation and strong teachers. You may find programs that teach English using your native language.

Mobile Apps

Mobile apps are the most convenient way to learn English because they are always at your fingertips and you can use them whenever and wherever you want. 

Many of these apps are free and allow your child to study at their own pace and in a playful way. It is both entertainment and learning English.

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