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Teaching English to Children



Young children do not even ask why they need to learn English, they are more interested in the process of learning and cognition than in the results.

Child psychologists recommend starting English classes before the age of five. For a child to be able to master large amounts of material, it is better to start with something simple. At first, of course, it is better to buy some informative books for small children to create an initial interest in the new language. After that, you can go deeper into the process.

Successful teaching children English depends on several factors:

  • Knowledge of teaching methods and the many ways, techniques, and methods that can be used in the classroom. 
  • Knowledge of English at a sufficient level to explain grammatical rules. 
  • The ability to think creatively and bring creativity and games into the educational process.

Ways for children to learn English

There are some ways that you can learn English much faster and easier:

  • It is necessary to remember that learning a new subject should cause joy and a smile on the child's face. Conquering a new language should not have to be a burden to the baby. It is very important to pronounce all the new words clearly and expressively in a pleasant voice to the perception. Then the child will definitely start to memorize all the words and sentences in English.
  • Make sure that the child has a desire to learn the language. That is, there should always be a motive for learning a new language. It is also very important to constantly encourage the child when they are learning, explaining the meaning of new words. This helps the child feel more confident.
  • It is very useful that the child at the time of learning a new language perceives the process itself in a playful format. By playing games with the child, he begins to master the world faster. Using cognitive activities is the easiest way to teach children English. 
  • When teaching the language to young children, it is important that the process of learning is as if in a playful form. You say the words and look at ironic pictures. The child, meanwhile, memorizes visually as well as aurally all the words and sentences.
  • Do not forget to periodically buy coloring books in English, interesting books in a foreign language, as well as various educational materials.
  • Remember that young children always imitate adults. That is, it is important to pronounce the words correctly and put the accent correctly. This is very important because the purity of the words you say will depend on how the child learns the material.

Children's English in a play-based format

Most children's methods of learning English are based on children's play activity. As mentioned above, a game is a tool for a child's development, with the help of which he learns the world. Therefore, it is logical to use play to learn English. The best methods of learning English for children include game situations of different types. With their help the child will develop the necessary skills quickly and in a fun way. 

There are four types of educational games:

  1. Situational - these are games that reproduce situations from real life. Children try on different social roles and act according to a specific task. At the same time, at certain moments, a child needs to improvise, engage imagination and creativity.
  2. Competitive games create situations that test how children have mastered the material they have learned. At the same time, the game includes elements of competition. There are many options: team board games, crossword puzzles, linguistic problems. The one who knows grammar and vocabulary better wins.
  3. Musical games are all kinds of songs, dances and round dances. If the terms of the game is to act with a partner, the child, in addition, develops communication skills.
  4. The terms of the creative games are limited only by the imagination of the teacher and the children themselves. They include elements of other types of games and are held in the form of drawing contests, applique, composing poems in English.

Remember that regardless of the method of learning, the main thing is practice. So often talk to your child in English, if the level of language skills allows it. The result will not keep you waiting.

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